
Caviar Dreams font family - including CSS, SCSS, STY and LESS

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import npmFontCaviarDreams from '';


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Caviar Dreams

Presenting the Caviar Dreams TrueType™ Font Family by Lauren Thompson.


Install with npm

$ npm i npm-font-caviar-dreams --save


This a sample for usage in a LESS file:

# part of your LESS file
@import '../../../node_modules/npm-font-caviar-dreams/caviar-dreams';
@FontPathCaviarDreams: "../fonts/caviar-dreams";

First import the LESS file of the font and after this overwrite the default path. That's it ...

You can do the same with SCSS/SASS too ...

# part of your SCSS file
$FontPathCaviarDreams: "../fonts/caviar-dreams";
@import '../../../node_modules/npm-font-caviar-dreams/caviar-dreams';

You can do the same with Stylus too ...

# part of your SCSS file
$FontPathCaviarDreams = "../fonts/caviar-dreams";
@import '../../../node_modules/npm-font-caviar-dreams/caviar-dreams.styl';

Source of font files

Caviar Dreams at DaFont


Custom Licence

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if this licence is not correct.

I've borrowed much of the formatting for this package from npm-font-open-sans to simply save time.