
Bearer secret wrapper for http / zeit/now lambda functions

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nowSecret from '';



Use case

For when you want simple Bearer secret authentication of a zeit/micro service or zeit/now lambda.

What it does

Wraps a zeit/now lambda with authentication. Takes a secret passed as either an Authorization Bearer secret or as apiToken URL parameter.


Requires first argument of an array of secrets. An array is handy for allowing secret rotation. Takes an optional second configuration object argument:

  • whitelist: an optional whitelist of paths.
  • resAuthMissing: Optional string for use when Authentication is missing from request.
  • resAuthInvalid: Optional string for use when request not authorized.
  • headerKey: Optional request header key for getting request secret.


Wrap your lambda as in the examples below. Then pass the configured secret string as an Authorization header:

Authorization Bearer <your secret here>

Or, pass as a query parameter:<your secret here>



const withAuth = require('now-secret');
const MY_SECRETS = ['parrots'];

module.exports = withAuth(MY_SECRETS)(async (req, res) => {
  return `Hey sailor!`;

With whitelist

const withApiAuth = require('now-secret');
const MY_SECRETS = ['parrots'];
const WHITELIST = ['pirates'];

module.exports = withAuth(MY_SECRETS, { whitelist: WHITELIST })(
  async (req, res) => {
    return `Hey sailor!`;

With custom header key

const withAuth = require('now-secret');
const MY_SECRETS = ['parrots'];
const WHITELIST = ['pirates'];
const MY_SECRET_HEADER_KEY = ['x-marks-the-spot'];

module.exports = withAuth(MY_SECRETS, {
  whitelist: WHITELIST,
})(async (req, res) => {
  return `Hey sailor!`;

With multiple wrappers

const withAuth = require('now-secret');
const withPirateShip = require('with-trusty-pirate-ship');

const MY_SECRETS = ['parrots'];
const WHITELIST = ['pirates'];

const compose = (...fns) => fns.reduce((f, g) => (...args) => f(g(...args)));

module.exports = compose(
  withAuth(MY_SECRETS, { whitelist: WHITELIST }),
)(async (req, res) => {
  return `Hey sailor!`;

Previously known as..

... micro-secret.


This module is a fork of micro-jwt-auth which provides similar functionality with a JWT token.