<script type="module">
import nover from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/nover';
A Node.js powered HTTP server.
Why Nover?
As a Web developer, I often found that I really need a HTTP server which is more comprehensive than Python SimpleHttpServer but more light-weight than Apache and Nginx.
Static Web sites
RESTful APIs written in Node.js
URL Rewrite
Virtual Hosts
Customized middleware
nover <config_file>
Config Tips
Run nover -h to show an example nover config.
If port is not given in the top section of config files, HTTP port will be assigned to process.env.PORT.
Use $ROOT as the shorthand of the document root defined by root.
Use $PWD to represent the location of the config file.
Use $DOMAIN to indicate the main domain set by domain.
For WebSocket, $PORT can be used to indicate the same port defined by port in the top section of config file.
When setting rewrites, please be awared that the request urls will also contain a leading / (slash). For example, to rewrite example.com/nover the pattern should be something like ^/nover/?$ rather than ^nover/?$.
System variables are not supported in the data attributes of APIs and Socekts.