
Tools for making a Nostr client.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nostrTools from '';



Tools for developing Nostr clients.


import {relayPool} from 'nostr-tools'

const pool = relayPool()

pool.setPrivateKey('<hex>') // optional

pool.addRelay('ws://', {read: true, write: true})
pool.addRelay('ws://', {read: true, write: true})

// example callback function for a subscription
function onEvent(event, relay) {
  console.log(`got an event from ${relay.url} which is already validated.`, event)

// subscribing to a single user
// author is the user's public key
pool.sub({cb: onEvent, filter: {author: '<hex>'}})

//  or bulk follow
pool.sub({cb:(event, relay) => {...}, filter: {authors: ['<hex1>', '<hex2>', ..., '<hexn>']}})

// reuse a subscription channel
const mySubscription = pool.sub({cb: ..., filter: ....})
mySubscription.sub({filter: ....})
mySubscription.sub({cb: ...})

// get specific event
const specificChannel = pool.sub({
  cb: (event, relay) => {
    console.log('got specific event from relay', event, relay)
  filter: {id: '<hex>'}

// or get a specific event plus all the events that reference it in the 'e' tag
pool.sub({ cb: (event, relay) => { ... }, filter: [{id: '<hex>'}, {'#e': '<hex>'}] })

// get all events
pool.sub({cb: (event, relay) => {...}, filter: {}})

// get recent events
pool.sub({cb: (event, relay) => {...}, filter: {since: timestamp}})

// publishing events(inside an async function):
const ev = await pool.publish(eventObject, (status, url) => {
  if (status === 0) {
    console.log(`publish request sent to ${url}`)
  if (status === 1) {
    console.log(`event published by ${url}`, ev)
// it will be signed automatically with the key supplied above
// or pass an already signed event to bypass this

// subscribing to a new relay
// will automatically subscribe to the all the events called with .sub above

All functions expect bytearrays as hex strings and output bytearrays as hex strings.

For other utils please read the source (for now).