scss tuning version of normalize.css (
bower install --save normalize-css-801s
npm install --save normalize-css-801s
Divided into groups of mixin
Having a set of mixins, you can choose the method for use of the individual or complete, sets the normalization of styles. Or, for example, to make two separate styles unit - for critical parts and external files.
For example
/* critical.scss */
// import libs
@import 'libs/normalize-css-801s';
// include the necessary parts
@include normalize__document;
@include normalize__sections;
@include normalize__grouping-content;
@include normalize__text-level-semantics;
// @include normalize__text-level-semantics__psevdo-classes;
@include normalize__embedded-content;
@include normalize__forms;
// @include normalize__forms__psevdo-classes;
@include normalize__interactive;
@include normalize__scripting;
@include normalize__hidden;
// @include normalize__addons;
/* style.scss */
// import libs
@import 'libs/normalize-css-801s';
// include the necessary parts
// @include normalize__document;
// @include normalize__sections;
// @include normalize__grouping-content;
// @include normalize__text-level-semantics;
@include normalize__text-level-semantics__psevdo-classes;
// @include normalize__embedded-content;
// @include normalize__forms;
@include normalize__forms__psevdo-classes;
// @include normalize__interactive;
// @include normalize__scripting;
// @include normalize__hidden;
@include normalize__addons;
List of mixins:
- normalize__document;
- normalize__sections;
- normalize__grouping-content;
- normalize__text-level-semantics;
- normalize__text-level-semantics__psevdo-classes;
- normalize__embedded-content;
- normalize__forms;
- normalize__forms__psevdo-classes;
- normalize__interactive;
- normalize__scripting;
- normalize__hidden;
- normalize__addons;
All variables declared with That will allow you to quickly change the basic values for each of your projects using the custom configuration. See list of variables
Example of _config.scss
// custom values for normalize-css-801s
/// @type Keyword
$nmlz__font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !default;
/// @type Bool
$nmlz__support-ie9-and-less: false !default;
// import libs
@import 'libs/normalize-css-801s';
SassDoc ready
Documented with SassDoc annotations
Always has original css file
Look in original/normalize.css