Norad Framework Command Line
norad-cli is part of the Norad Framework
Basic Usage
Create a noradf project
noradf init
Install a noradf module from repository
noradf install mymodule
Install a noradf module from a git repository
noradf install mymodule --git
Install a noradf module from path
noradf install mymodule --path ~/my/module/path
Install all the modules in modules property from noradf.json file
noradf install
Install a module and overwrite the existing one
noradf install mymodule --force
Creates a noradf module in a Noradf Application with prompting
noradf module
Creates a noradf module in a Noradf Application
noradf module mymodule
Creates a noradf module in a Noradf Application with prompting
noradf module-dev
Create a noradf module for development
noradf module-dev mymodule
Install a npm package in a developing module
noradf module-dev -n npmModule
Install a bower package in a developing module
noradf module-dev -b bowerModule