
A super-simple static web server with optional HTTP Basic Auth and local HTTPS via self-signed certificates.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nodeStaticPlus from '';



A super-simple static web server with optional HTTP Basic Auth and local HTTPS via self-signed certificates.

node-static-plus makes it super-simple to add a static server to a client-side project for working with secure services and privileged JavaScript APIs. Once you're ready to deploy it to Dokku, Heroku, now, or whatever, add any platform-specific files (e.g. echo 'web: node .' > Procfile for Dokku/Heroku) and you're good to go.

node-static-plus is built on top of the tried and tested foundation of node-static.


$ npm i -s node-static-plus to add the module as a dependency, then create an index.js as follows:

// index.js

const nodeStaticPlus = require('node-static-plus')
const config = {
  // see next section for config options



node-static-plus can be configured as follows:

const config = {
  auth: { // Optional
    username: 'user', // Required if `auth` is specified
    password: 'pass', // Required if `auth` is specified
    realm: 'Demo', // Optional. Displayed in authentication prompt is some browsers. Default is `'Private'`
    always: true, // Optional. Enforces authentication even when `process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'`. Default is `false`
  errors: { // Optional
    404: '404.html' // If you don't specify a 404, a blank page will be shown instead
  port: 12345, // Optional. Default is `process.env.PORT` or `54321`
  root: 'public', // Optional. Default is `'.'`
  static: {}, // Optional. Provides configuration for `node-static`. See `node-static` documentation for valid options
  tls: { // Optional. Swaps the server to HTTPS (unless `process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'`)
    cert: 'path/to/cert.pem',
    key: 'path/to/cert-key.pem'

Of course you can also set any property to use environment variables, etc.

TLS support

node-static-plus turns into an HTTPS server if you feed it a valid SSL certificate and key.

If you need to create locally-trusted development certificates, check out mkcert.

TLS in production

TLS support is intended for local dev use only, and the configuration is automatically ignored in production, where you should be using something more robust. Many platforms will provide SSL out-of-the-box. If you're using dokku, then dokku-letsencrypt is your friend.


$ npm run demo and open http://localhost:12345 in your browser. Username is user and password is pass.

Unresolved URLs such as http://localhost:12345/unicorns get a 404 page as per the config in demo/index.js.