
An asynchronous JS/CSS compressor with CoffeeScript and Sass support.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nodeJadeCompress from '';



An asynchronous Javascript/Coffeescript & CSS/SASS compressor for the Jade templating engine.

DEPENDENCIES: coffee-script, connect, express, jade, mime, uglify-js, sqwish

How does it work?

Two filters: compress_js and compress_css are added to the Jade filter list. You can supply the js filter with either .js or .coffee local files, and the css filter with either .css or .scss local files. When the template is rendered, it simply creates a hash based on the filenames, and points them at a /cache directory. Any .js or .css requests to that directory are expected to be hashes, so we then look up what file cache is associated with that hash, check the mtime of each file vs the time the cache was created and decide if we need to regenerate the cache.


IN JADE: block extra_css :compress_css normalize.css defaults.scss font.css game.scss

block extra_javascript
    include game/_game_js

The filters will look in following directories for the files: js : "#{cwd}/js" css : "#{cwd}/css" coffee : "#{cwd}/coffee" sass : "#{cwd}/sass"

IN YOUR APP: (example in Coffee) express = require 'express' coffee = require 'coffee-script' compress = require 'node-jade-compress' app = express.createServer() app.configure(-> app.use express.logger() app.use express.bodyParser() app.use express.cookieParser() app.use express.session {secret : 'scry', store : session_store} app.use app.router app.use express.static "#{cwd}/static" ) app.set 'view engine', 'jade' app.set 'view options', {layout: false} compress.views_init app

You supply the views_init function with your express app, which should be using Jade as the view engine of course (it's the Express default).


  • This is asynchronous. It will not generate a cache while rendering the template.

  • You can combine .js/.coffee files and .css/.scss in a single compress_js or compress_css filter.

  • In a dev environment, this will not minify and compress the Javascript, but will run coffee for you and give back the individual files for better debugging.


  • When the cache is invalidated, a new one won't be generated until a user visits, so the response time for that user to receive the .js/.css file will be much slower.

  • I haven't tested this in a proper production environment. It could probably use a lot of help.

  • We have to hardcode any includes we want to use in any of the SASS files. In the intereste of speed we can't look at every file, so "vars" and "mixins" have been hardcoded for now.


  • Module testing
  • Add support for non-local files in compress filters.
  • Handle someone requesting a cache file while it's being created.
  • Put hashes in a db, allow user to supply a store.
  • Allow user to specify the directories where files are, and where cache is stored.