
Most Web Framework command line utility

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import mostWebCli from '';



MOST Web Framework Logo

A command line utility for Most Web Framework applications.


Generate a new MOST Web Framework application
most -o generate
Start a lite application server for static content
most -o lite [-r <directory>] [-b <address>] [-p <port>] [-c]


-r [directory] : The directory which contains the files to be served. This parameter is optional. The default value is the current directory.

-b [address]: The IP address to be bind. This parameter is optional. The default value is

-p [port]: The port to be used for listening HTTP requests. This parameter is optional. The default value is 3000.

-c: An optional parameter which enables HTTP request caching. The default value is false.

Migrate a data model
most -o migrate -m <data model name>
Import data from a JSON file
most -o import -m <data model name> -i <data file path>
Create an new data controller
most -o controller-class -n <controller name>

This operation will generate a new controller and it will place it in controllers folder (app/controllers).

Create an new base controller
most -o base-controller-class -n <controller name>

This operation will generate a new base controller and it will place it in controllers folder (app/controllers).

Create an new model class
most -o model-class -n <model name>

This operation will generate a new model and it will place it in models folder (app/models).

Create an new model listener
most -o model-listener -n <listener name>

This operation will generate a new model listener and it will place it in controllers folder (app/controllers).