
Adds schema type "html" to mongoose to provie sanitized html.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import mongooseHtml2 from '';


What it does

How to use

var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
// Will add the Currency type to the Mongoose Schema types
var Html = mongoose.Types.Html;

// If you don't have the Html variable declared you can use 'mongoose.Types.Html'
var ContentSchema = Schema({
  richContent: {
    type: Html,
    setting: {
      allowedTags: ['p', 'b', 'i', 'em', 'strong', 'a'],
      allowedAttributes: {
        'a': ['href']

var Content = mongoose.model('Content', ContentSchema);

var content = new Content({ richContent: "<a href='' style='display:block'>google</a>" });

How to install

  • npm i mongoose-html

How to test

  • sudo npm i mocha -g
  • mocha test

Schema options

Same as sanitize-html

About author

Created by Homer Quan for