
Microsoft Teams application sample.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import microsoftTeamsAppSample from '';


page_type: sample products:

  • office
  • office-teams
  • office-365 languages:
  • typescript
  • javascript
  • html description: "This sample demonstrates @fluentui/react-teams library in Microsoft Teams apps." extensions: contentType: samples createdDate: "12/8/2020 5:06:47 PM"

Deploying the Microsoft Teams UI templates sample app

This sample app can help you better understand how apps should look and behave in Microsoft Teams. The app includes examples of tested, high-quality UI templates that work across common Teams use cases (such as dashboards or forms).

To use the sample app, you need to host it somewhere. We'll focus on deploying the app to a local web server since that's the fastest way to get started.

(If you want to make it easier for others to use the app, consider deploying to Microsoft Azure or another hosting service.)


Set up your app project

Open a terminal and clone the sample app repository.

git clone
cd Microsoft-Teams-Samples/samples/tab-ui-templates/ts
yarn install

You can find the app source code in ./src:

  • app: Includes the app scaffolding.

  • manifest: Includes the app manifest (manifest.json) and the color and outline versions of the app icon.

  • assets: Includes the app assets.

  • .env: Contains the app configurations. When you create the app package, the manifest is dynamically populated with values from this file.

    [!NOTE] The .env file is excluded from source control. If you're deploying to Azure, make sure that you include the .env configurations as application settings in your Azure web app (except the PORT variable, which is used for local testing and debugging).

Run the app

  1. In the root directory of your project, run the following command.

    yarn start

    When the app starts, you should see the following terminal output.

      You can now view microsoft-teams-app-sample in the browser.
        Local:            http://localhost:3000
        On Your Network:

    If you see a port number other than 3000, it's because the PORT environment variable in the .env file has a different value. You can use that port or change it to 3000.

  2. Open a browser and verify that all of the following URLs load:

Set up a secure tunnel to the app

Teams doesn't display app content unless it's accessible via HTTPS. We recommend using ngrok to establish a secure tunnel to where you're hosting the app locally (for example, http://localhost:3000).

  1. Install ngrok.

  2. Run the following command to create the tunnel to your localhost.

    yarn serve
  3. Save the HTTPS URL in the output (for example, You may need this later if you plan to register the app with App Studio.

[!IMPORTANT] If you're using the free version of ngrok and plan to share the app with others, remember that ngrok quits if your machine shuts down or goes to sleep. When you restart ngrok, the URL also will be different. (A paid version of ngrok provides persistent URLs.)

Create the app package

You need an app package to sideload the app in Teams.

  1. Open a separate terminal so that you don't interfere with the running app.

  2. Run the following command to generate the app package.

    yarn package

    This process validates the manifest and saves the package as a zip file in the package folder.

Sideload the app in Teams

  1. In the Teams client, go to Apps.

  2. Select Upload a custom app and upload the app package, which is the generated zip file in the package folder.

Enable logging

To view app logs, the DEBUG environment variable must be set to msteams. This is enabled by default in your project's .env file.

If disabled, run the following command in a terminal to see logs.

SET DEBUG=msteams

If you're hosting the app in Azure, set DEBUG to msteams in application settings.

For more information, read about the debug package.

Next steps