
* Include project into your module ```typescript import { MerlinPopoversLibraryModule } from 'merlin-popovers-library'; @NgModule({ imports: [MerlinPopoversLibraryModule] }) ``` * Add a popover in your html ```html <element-for-popover> <p> element c

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import merlinPopoversLibrary from '';


Merlin Popovers

How to use

  • Include project into your module
import { MerlinPopoversLibraryModule } from 'merlin-popovers-library';
  imports: [MerlinPopoversLibraryModule]
  • Add a popover in your html
  <p> element content </p>
  <div *merlinPopover>
    I'll show up when ypu mouse over the element for popover
  • Add a popover with options
  <p> element content </p>
  <div *merlinPopover="'position:left;target:mouse'">
    I will show up to the left of the mouse now


  • Target: 'ele' | 'mouse' | 'x,y' = 'ele' by default
    • Define where you want the popover to be anchored to
    • 'ele' = side of the element
    • 'mouse' = follow the mouse when visible
    • 'x,y' = coordinates relative to the page to display this popover at
  • Position: 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right' = 'bottom' by default
    • What side of the anchor to display at
  • isInteractive: true | false = false by default
    • By default, the popover will not capture mouse events. If you want to be able to mouse over the popover and it not hide, set this to true
  • isVisible: true | false | undefined = undefined by default
    • By default the popover will show automatically based on mouse being over its parent or itself. and hide when the mouse leaves. You can override this behavior by setting this value
  • Delay: number = 10 by default
    • How long to wait for mouse events before showing and hiding the popover.