
Generate VSCode intellisense and build configuration for Mbed OS

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import mbedVscodeGenerator from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/mbed-vscode-generator';


Generate VSCode intellisense for Mbed OS

The Visual Studio Code exporter in Mbed OS is buggy. This project generates correct c_cpp_properties.json, task.json and launch.json files for Mbed OS projects. The tool is non-destructive, and will only overwrite relevant sections of your VSCode configuration.

Note: This tool invokes the make_gcc_arm exporter through Mbed CLI, which overwrites the Makefile, mbed_config.h and GettingStarted.html files in your project. Remove these files to run the tool.


Enforces method signatures:

Error handling

Shows correct include paths:

Include paths

Inline function documentation:


Aware of the current target:

Target aware

Sets up debugging for both PyOCD and STLink targets:



  1. Install Node.js 10 or higher.

  2. Install this tool:

    $ npm install mbed-vscode-generator -g
  3. Run the tool from an Mbed OS project:

    $ mbed-vscode-generator -m DISCO_L475VG_IOT01A

    You can set the input and output directories through -i and -o.

You'll need to re-run this tool every time a change might occur in your include path list or in your define list. For example:

  • When adding a new library.
  • When changing values in mbed_app.json.
  • When updating Mbed OS.

Only the parts of your c_cpp_properties.json file that need to change will be overwritten.


A launch and debug configuration is automatically created. You can either debug through pyOCD (should work for most targets), or through stutil (for STLink targets) (Install instructions for macOS).

pyOCD is used as default. To use STLink instead:

$ mbed-vscode-generator -m DISCO_L475VG_IOT01A --debugger stlink


Exporting to make_gcc_arm failed

This tool relies on the make_gcc_arm exporter, which can be broken for Mbed 2 projects. Report a bug in the Mbed OS project. Switching to an Mbed OS 5 project (e.g. mbed-os-example-blinky) typically helps.