This theme brings the Material Design visual language to your Sublime Text 3. If you have problems, first search for a similiar issue and then report with new one.
Please read the Known Issues section before reporting a new one.
Easy installation
You can install this awesome theme through the Package Control.
- Press cmd/ctrl + shift + p to open the command palette.
- Type "install package" and press enter. Then search for "Material Theme"
Manual installation
- Download the latest release, extract and rename the directory to "Material Theme".
- Move the directory inside your sublime
directory. (Preferences > Browse packages...)
Activate the theme
- Open you preferences (Preferences > Setting - User) and add this lines:
"theme": "Material-Theme.sublime-theme",
"color_scheme": "Packages/Material Theme/schemes/Material-Theme.tmTheme",
NOTE: Restart Sublime Text after activating the theme.
Theme styles
This theme provides 3 styles:
"theme": "Material-Theme.sublime-theme",
"color_scheme": "Packages/Material Theme/schemes/Material-Theme.tmTheme",
"theme": "Material-Theme-Darker.sublime-theme",
"color_scheme": "Packages/Material Theme/schemes/Material-Theme-Darker.tmTheme",
"theme": "Material-Theme-Lighter.sublime-theme",
"color_scheme": "Packages/Material Theme/schemes/Material-Theme-Lighter.tmTheme",
Old Color Schemes
You can still use the oldest and unsupported color schemes.
"color_scheme": "Packages/Material Theme/schemes/OLD/Material-Theme.tmTheme",
"color_scheme": "Packages/Material Theme/schemes/OLD/Material-Theme-Darker.tmTheme",
"color_scheme": "Packages/Material Theme/schemes/OLD/Material-Theme-Lighter.tmTheme",
Known issues
Please see the issue #67 if you can't see the bottom panel (find/replace, rename, move, can't see the box inputs in SidebarEnhancement, etc..). here the quick fix:
App Bar
Material Theme Appbar This official addon enable a beautiful colored tab bar to your Material Theme. The color tint fits automagically the material theme accent color you choosed.
White panels
Material Theme White Panels
If you want to enable the white panels and inputs you can install the addon package through Package Control, search for "Material theme white panels". You have to disable it if you want to use the Lighter
theme style.
Theme options
"material_theme_small_tab" : true , // Set small tabs
"material_theme_disable_fileicons" : true , // Hide sidebar file type icons
"material_theme_disable_folder_animation" : true , // Disable folder animation
"material_theme_small_statusbar" : true , // Set small status bar
"material_theme_compact_sidebar" : true , // Set compact side bar
"material_theme_compact_panel" : true , // Set minimal padding for the search panel
"material_theme_disable_tree_indicator" : true , // Disable sidebar file indicator
"material_theme_bold_tab" : true , // Make the tab labels bolder
"material_theme_tabs_separator" : true , // Show tabs separator, this disables tab hover animation
"material_theme_accent_lime" : true , // set green lime accent color
"material_theme_accent_purple" : true , // set purple accent color
"material_theme_accent_red" : true , // set pale red accent color
"material_theme_accent_orange" : true , // set orange accent color
"material_theme_accent_yellow" : true , // set yellow accent color
"material_theme_accent_indigo" : true , // set indigo accent color
"material_theme_accent_pink" : true , // set pink accent color
"material_theme_accent_blue" : true , // set blue accent color
"material_theme_accent_cyan" : true , // set cyan accent color
"material_theme_panel_separator" : true , // show bottom panel separator
"material_theme_tabs_autowidth" : true , // Enable autowidth for tabs
"material_theme_contrast_mode" : true , // Enable sidebar and panels contrast mode
// If you use Material Theme - Appbar addon you can use additional settings:
"material_theme_tree_headings" : true , // Show sidebar headings
Recommended settings for a better experience:
"overlay_scroll_bars" : "enabled",
"line_padding_top" : 3,
"line_padding_bottom" : 3,
"always_show_minimap_viewport" : true,
"bold_folder_labels" : true,
"indent_guide_options" : [ "draw_normal", "draw_active" ], // Highlight active indent
"font_options" : [ "gray_antialias", "subpixel_antialias" ], // On retina Mac & Windows
The font used for the code is "Operator Mono"
You can also use the official Material Design monospace font "Roboto Mono" or "Fira Code".
This UI theme use a custom compiler build on Gulp and JS. If you want to edit the UI you must first install the compiler:
$ npm install
then run compiler and watcher by run:
$ gulp
You can now edit the source files under /src
folder that will be compiled inside the root folder (don't edit compiled files.)
Other Resources
App icon
Download the official Material Theme icon.
Official Portings
Material Theme was also ported to:
- Atom Editor: atom-material-ui (by @silvestreh) and material-ui (by @leo)
- IntelliJ IDEA (thanks to @ChrisRM).
- Vim (thanks to @kristijanhusak).
- Terminal OSX (thanks to @mvaneijgen).
- ConEmu (thanks to @rajadain).
- Slack App ( #263238,#2e3a40,#80CBC4,#FFFFFF,#13191C,#ffffff,#50fa7b,#FF5555 )
- Nylas N1 (thanks to @jackiehluo)
Color Schemes palettes
Color | Default / Darker | Lighter |
Red | #FF5370 |
#E53935 |
Pink | #f07178 |
#FF5370 |
Orange | #F78C6C |
#F76D47 |
Yellow | #FFCB6B |
#FFC000 |
Green | #C3E88D |
#91B859 |
Pale Blue | #B2CCD6 |
#8796B0 |
Cyan | #89DDFF |
#39ADB5 |
Blue | #82AAFF |
#6182B8 |
Purple | #C792EA |
#7C4DFF |
Violet | #bb80b3 |
#945EB8 |
Brown | #ab7967 |
#ab7967 |
Thanks for all the contributors.
Check the video review by LevelUpTuts