
Energy & insurance assets

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import makeitcheaperJourneyAssets from '';



This repository contains all assets which are used in the energy and insurance journeys, like:

  • JavaScript custom scripts
  • stylesheets

Everything is stored on npmjs. The package is called makeitcheaper-journey-assets.


If you want to include this package in your project, just run:

$ npm install makeitcheaper-journey-assets

and import application.js and application.css files into your application:

import 'mic-journey-assets/assets/javascripts/application.js'
import 'mic-journey-assets/assets/stylesheets/application.css'


Make sure that you have already installed npm on your computer. Then, just install all plugins by running:

$ npm install
CSS Style guide

For stylesheets, we use BEM (Block-Element-Modifier) concept. You can find more about it here.


First of all, make sure that you don't modify the assets/stylesheets/application.css file manually. It's generated automatically by gulp. You can do it using by running this command:

$ npm run build

If you want to live watch for any changes, run:

$ npm run watch

After every change in any SCSS file, everything will be recompiled and written to the application.css.


All scripts are combined into one script called application.js inside the assets/javascript folder. You can do it by running:

$ npm run build

Publishing to

If you want to publish your package to, make sure that your assets are up to date and builded. To do it, just run:

$ npm run build

Then you just need to push everything to npm, by calling:

$ npm publish --access public