
Node scripts to pull LP data

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import lpCli from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/lp-cli';


Step 1 - Install something to get your LP Tasks

How do I setup the lpTasks is an easy way to get the list of tasks assigned to me


npm install -g lp-cli


$ lpTasks


Install setup:

The first time you run it will prompt you for your email password. If you dont get it right the first time lpasks config will prompt you to re-enter email/password. It saves them securely in Mac land it uses keychain.

We have a special case where we have 2 activity ids Billable / Unbillable. We always have to set it when loging time. We dont want to have to do a "get" before loggig time so we default it. If you have a simliiar setting set these variables in your bash profile

export LP_DEFAULT_ACTIVITY_ID=103364 #example
export LP_UNBILLABLE_ACTIVITY_ID=192497 #example