
A feature-basic benchmark.js wrapper to keep you with the pump without muscle loss.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import lowcarb from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/lowcarb';



A feature-basic benchmark.js wrapper to keep you with the pump without muscle loss.


npm i lowcarb -D

Add this to package.json:

"scripts": {
  "lowcarb": "lowcarb"

Run lowcarb:

npm run lowcarb


  3 tests completed.

  wheyProtein x 151,953 ops/sec ±2.56% (10 runs sampled)
  wheyProtein x 137,021 ops/sec ±8.45% (200 runs sampled)
  wheyProtein x 168,904 ops/sec ±1.39% (3000 runs sampled)

It will create:

  1. A benchmark directory
  2. A file benchmark/workout.js
  3. A file benchmark/delete-me-later.js

benchmark/workout.js file:

// This is the an example benchmark file that needs to be placed 
// inside benchmark directory.
const lowCarb = require('lowcarb');

// Requiring the function we want to workout.
// Just delete the delete-me-later.js file and import/point to your
// source code here to test.
const shake = require('../delete-me-later.js');

lowCarb.add(shake.wheyProtein, 10);
lowCarb.add(shake.wheyProtein, 200);
lowCarb.add(shake.wheyProtein, 3000);

benchmark/delete-me-later.js file (which contains the function you want to 'workout'):

// This file should be deleted.
function wheyProtein() {
  'creatine' + JSON.stringify('bcaa');

module.exports = {