
A halton sequence implementation in js.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import lowDiscrepancySequence from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/low-discrepancy-sequence';


A halton sequence implementation in js.



A 2D halton sequence generator.


A Van der Corput sequence generator.


A 2D halton sequence generator.

Kind: global class

new haltonSequence([bases], [seed])


Param Type Default Description
[bases] Array [2,3] A Vector representing the bases of the sequence.
[seed] Number 1 The seed to start the sequence index with.

haltonSequence.getNext() ⇒ Object

Get the next 2d element from the halton sequence.

Kind: instance method of haltonSequence
Returns: Object - The element in form {x,y}.


A Van der Corput sequence generator.

Kind: global class

new vanDerCorput([base], [index])


Param Type Default Description
[base] Number 2 The base.
[index] Number 1 The index to start the sequence with.

vanDerCorput.compute(i, b) ⇒ Number

Compute the given result at an index and base.

Kind: instance method of vanDerCorput
Returns: Number - The computed value of the element at the index and base.

Param Type Description
i Number The index.
b Number The base.

vanDerCorput.getNext() ⇒ Number

Get the next element from the sequence.

Kind: instance method of vanDerCorput
Returns: Number - The next element.