
^:shit:-code\.(js|styl|css|sass)$ → :icecream:-code.($1)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import lovelyCode from '';


Lovely code

^:shit:-code\.(js|styl|css|sass)$ → :icecream:-code.($1)

A collection of really useful tools to improve your code quality. The conception of three "standards" is used in this collection to describe three different levels of code-quality.

What is a conception of three standards?

This collection contains helpers and presents for the following standards: bronze, silver, gold. The higher the standard, the more stringent rules. This standards are applied where it's possible. For example, for linters I can define configuration files for every standard. But there is no reason to define configuration files for ide for each standard because the basic rules are the same. Difference between each standard was described in each section of the collection (where it's possible).

Bronze :star: standard :beginner:

In case of code quality tools

Used for projects that "needed to be done yesterday". Usually repeats the configuration of an ide and no special more features. Can be supported with .editorconfig and some settings in ide.

Silver :star: :star: standard :guardsman:

In case of code quality tools

For "good" projects. Nothing special.

Gold :star: :star: :star: standard :godmode:

In case of code quality tools

Only for gods-of-js.

What I'd suggest to use to improve code quality?

Use editor config

You can easily support quality of your code with configuration files for your ide. It is extremely useful with combination of code auto-reformatting.

:paperclip:  Read more about configuration file for ide.

Use code quality tools (linters)

You can easily support quality of your code with this tools. Just add them to your project and use configuration files from this collection.

:paperclip:  Read more about configuration files for linters in this collection.

To be done

  • Silver standard (default)
    • Describe javascript linter: basic .eslintrc, how to use and examples.
    • Describe stylus linter: basic .stylintrc, how to use and examples.
    • Describe css linter: basic .csslintrc, how to use and examples.
    • Describe sass linter: basic .sasslintrc, how to use and examples.
    • Describe editorconfig.
  • Bronze standard
  • Gold standard