
A Module to loop through an array synchronously

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import loopsync from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/loopsync';


Sync Loop

A Module to loop through an array synchronously


npm install loopsync --save
// or
yarn add loopsync

Basic usage

const loopsync = require("loopsync");

const arr = Array.from({ length: 12 }).fill(0);

function handler(item, done) {
function completeCallback(items) {
    assert.equal(items.length, 12);

loopsync(arr, handler, completeCallback);


The default export for this module is a function that accepts three arguments

  • array: Array The first argument is the array to be looped through
  • handlerFunction: Function A function to handle all the items in the array. It also receives three arguments
    • item: The current item in the array for the current index
    • doneCallback: A callback function to indicate the current process is complete. Must be called to move to the next item. This doneCallback(itemProcessingValue) can be passed a value to collect all the values returned after processing each item
    • currentItemIndex: The index of the current item passed to the handlerFunction
  • completeCallback: This is a function that depicts the whole items have been processed. It receives an array of all the return values passed when calling the doneCallback function of every item.


Built with 💘💘💘 by Aleem Isiaka