
CLI to export/dump a search result from Logz.io

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import logzioSearchExport from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/logzio-search-export';



CLI to export/dump a search result from Logz.io up to millions of log entries

Console output

This CLI uses Logz.io's scroll API to export a search in batches of 1000. It can write to a file or pipe to stdout for further processing.


Make sure you have node + npm installed (e.g. brew install node)

npm install -g logzio-search-export

To run without installing globally:

npx logzio-search-export <see usage>


$ export LOGZIO_API_TOKEN=<token>
$ export LOGZIO_API_REGION=<region>
$ logzio-search-export --help
Usage: logzio-search-export [options]

  -t, --api-token <api-token>  Logz.io API token [envvar: LOGZIO_API_TOKEN]
  -r, --region <region>        Logz.io region for account, defaults to eu [envvar: LOGZIO_API_REGION]

  -s, --search <search>        A simple search term. For more complex queries pipe in via stdin.
  -e, --extract <extract>      Log entry fields to extract in output (can be provided multiple times) (default: all fields are returned) (default: [])
  --start <start-time>         A Logz,io compatible query start time (default: "now-5m")
  --end <end-time>             A Logz.io compatible end time (default: "now")

  -f, --format <format>        Output format [json, csv] (default: "json")
  -o, --output <output>        Output file to write results to (default: stdout)

  -v, --verbose                Print verbose output
  -h, --help                   display help for command


Simple example

  • extracting the @timestamp and message fields
  • query string for java errors
  • a date range for yesterday
  • an output file to write to
logzio-search-export -e @timestamp -e message -s 'level: ERROR AND "java"' --start now-1d/d --end now/d -o log_lines.json

Stdout example

Note: Piping to stdout to a file is slower than using the -o flag

# To a file
logzio-search-export -e message -s 'level: ERROR AND "java"' > log_lines.json
# Or to another program
logzio-search-export -e message -s 'level: ERROR AND "java"' | jq .

Complex query example

  • extracting the @timestamp and message fields
  • output to log lines
  • query.json is a file that contains an elastic search query JSON
echo "{ ... }" > query.json
logzio-search-export -e @timestamp -e message -o log_lines.json < query.json

CSV example

logzio-search-export --format csv -o log_lines.csv < query.json

Minimalistic example

Will retain all fields on the log entry (quite a lot of data)

logzio-search-export -o log_lines.json < query.json

Different regions

Your account is limited to one Logz.io region so make sure you're selecting one of:

  • eu (default): app-eu.logz.io
  • us: app.logz.io
  • au: app-au.logz.io
  • ca: app-ca.logz.io
  • nl: app-nl.logz.io
  • wa: app-wa.logz.io

You can export the LOGZIO_API_REGION environment variable to not have to provide the --region flag on each run.
