
Takes a local line separated file and pumps a max of N lines into a target file at a variable interval of min Y ms and max Z ms.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import logpump from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/logpump';



Takes a local line separated file and pumps a max of N lines into a target file at a variable interval of min Y ms and max Z ms.

No really, what is it?

This is a tool for taking lines from one file and pumping them into another file.

I used this to load log lines into Grafana's Loki so that I could simulate what Grafana and Loki would look like with "live" log data without having to install promtail on a server.


logpump [options] <file to read from> <file to write to>

logpump -n 3 --min 500 --max 1000 ./inlog.log ./outlog.log

    -n          Max log lines to write during a single interval. Will randomly pick between 1 and the value.
    --min       Minimum ms interval for log writing
    --max       Maximum ms interval for log writing
    -h, --help  This message

The -n option lets you define a maximum number of lines to write. Choosing a value of 5, for example, would randomly pick a number between 1 and 5 and write that many log lines for the interval. One long line will be written for each interval, even if this value is set to 0.

The --min and --max options define the minimum and maximum duration for a pause between log writes. The defaults are 500 and 1000 for the options.


logpump -n 10 --min 500 --max 1000 ./inlog.log ./outlog.log

This line will read up to 10 log lines from inlog.log and write them to the outlog.log. It will then pause for a random time between 500 and 1000ms before acting on the next batch of lines.