
<!-- Links --> [npm-image]: https://img.shields.io/npm/v/loggin-js-ws.svg?style=flat-square [npm-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/loggin-js-ws

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import logginJsWs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/loggin-js-ws';


WebSocket plugin for Loggin'JS

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A websocket client notifier for Loggin'JS, powered by [socket.io](socket.io)

!! NOTICE !!

This plugin is still in it's early stages, and the API may change or have errors. If you find any errors or have sugestions please leave an issue

Table Of Content


  • Install with npm
npm install loggin-js-ws --save


// Require the logging library
const loggin = require('loggin-js');

// Require the express middleware
const loggingWS = require('loggin-js-ws');


Easiest way of using the notifier is:

// Register the plugin

// Get the ws notifier, prebuilt
let wsNotifier = loggin.notifier('ws');

// Create default logger
let logger = loggin.logger();

// Add wsNotifier to the logger

Or you can also instantiate the notifier yourself:

const loggingWS = require('loggin-js-ws');

const wsNotifier = new loggingWS.WsNotifier({ /* options */ });


You can also pass in a set of options, (in addition to the default Loggin'JS options):

let wsNotifier = loggin.notifier('ws', {
    url: 'https://localhost:3000',
    eventName: 'loggin-js:log',     // Event emitted by the ws client when a log is sent   
    socketioOptions: {}             // Options for socket.io, this plugin uses socket.io - https://github.com/socketio/socket.io-client/blob/master/docs/API.md#iourl-options

Found a bug?

If you found a bug or like to leave a feature request, please leave an issue and we will take care of it.

Just make sure it's not already filed.


Hi there, if you like the project don't hesitate in collaborating (if you like to), submit a pull request, post an issue, ...
Any help or ideas are apreciated!