
NodeJS client for logbin.io

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import logbin from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/logbin';



Simple real-time logging system for your node applications.


Using npm:

npm install logbin

Logger API

Logger API is used to send logs from your node applications to the server.


Initializing the Logger API requires configuration settings.

var Logbin = require( 'logbin' );

var config = {
  store: 'storename',
  token: 'validtoken',
  host: 'ec2-52-196-108-147.ap-northeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com'

var logger = new Logbin( config );


Logger settings comes with the following options:

Option Definition Required
store Store name wherein your logs will be stored. This name must be lowercase, cannot begin with an underscore, and cannot contain commas. required
token Token provided to you which will be used for authentication. required
port (default = 5555 ) Port used by the server inbound. optional
host (default = 'localhost') Hostname of the server inbound. optional
scope ( default: 'server' ) This will be the scope of your logs. optional
requestTTL ( default: 5 ) The standard ttl of requests in seconds when no response is received from the server. optional
console ( default: false ) If set to true, logs are not sent to the server and will only show up in the console. optional

Log Levels

Log levels are error, warn, info, verbose, debug, and silly.

Send Logs

Sending logs is easy.


logger.error( 'Something bad happened.' );
logger.info( { id: 12345, name: 'Margie', age: 23, action: 'login' } );
logger.log( 'warn', 'The night is dark and full of terrors.' );


You can also instantiate new logger instance with a set scope from any logger instance created.

//some instance of a logger

var globals = logger.scope( 'global' );

globals.error( 'A global error occured.' );

Method Chaining

.ack() method is chainable.


logger.ack().error( 'An error log.' )


You can select not to send your logs to the server, instead, log it directly to your console by setting the console property to true.


var Logbin = require( 'logbin' );

var config = {
  store: 'storename',
  token: 'validtoken',
  console: true

var logger = new Logbin( config );


Sending a log with .ack() method returns a promise.


var co = require( 'co' );

co( function *() {
  yield logger.ack().error( 'An error log.' ),                            // Send a log categorized by levels
  yield logger.ack().warn( 'Warning log.' ),
  yield logger.ack().info( { name: 'M. Saavedra', action: 'login' } ),     // You can also send an object
  yield logger.ack().verbose( 'Over medication is o-verbose.' ),
  yield logger.ack().debug( 'Log for debugging.' ),
  yield logger.ack().silly( 'Silly me.' ),
  yield logger.ack().log( 'info', 'This is an information.' );            // Or you can specify the level instead
} ).catch( error => console.log( error ) );                      // Catch reason of rejection

LogStream API

LogStream API is used to receive logs from your node applications in real-time.


Initializing the LogStream API also requires configuration settings.

var LogStream = require( 'logbin' ).LogStream;

var config = {
  store: 'storename',
  token: 'validtoken',
  host: 'ec2-52-196-108-147.ap-northeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com'

var logstream = new LogStream( config );


Configuration of the LogStream API comes with the following options:

Option Definition Required
store Store name from where the logs are received. This name must be lowercase, cannot begin with an underscore, and cannot contain commas. required
token Used for authentication which will be provided to you. required
port (default = 5555 ) Port used by the server inbound. optional
host (default = 'localhost') Hostname of the server inbound. optional
level (default = 'silly' ) Severity level of logs to be received. optional
schema Object that follows JSON Schema draft 4 Standard. This will define the log filter. If not provided, you will receive all logs that is in range of the set severity level. optional

Log Levels

Logbin has predefined log levels which are error, warn, info, verbose, debug, and silly. Setting the level field in the LogStream API config object to info will allow you to receive logs with levels from info up to error. Leaving it to the default value which is silly will allow you to receive logs with all log levels.

Log Filtering

You can specify a filter to receive the logs you want by setting a schema. Logbin implements JSON Schema draft 4 standard for the logstream filter schema.


// You can set the filter in the configuration settings
var config = {
  store: 'storename',
  token: 'validtoken',
  level: 'info',  // You will receive 'error', 'warn', and 'info',
  schema: {
    type: 'object',
    properties: {
      id: { type: 'number' },
      fname: { type: 'string', pattern: '^Margie

      age: { type: 'number', maximum: 23 }

var logstream = new LogStream( config );

On Log Event

You can listen to the event when a log is received from the server.


logstream.on( 'log', data => console.log( data ) ); // data will be in object form for easier manipulation

Adding custom event

You can add a custom event to be called when a specifig log arrives

Adding custom event when a specific log type (error/info/silly/etc) arrives

logstream.addCustomEvent( { event: 'mycustomevent', level: 'error' } );
} );

Adding custom event when a specific log type (error/info/silly/etc) and data arrives

// This will look into the logs sent looking for the occurence of the message
logstream.addCustomEvent( { event: 'mycustomevent', level: 'error', message: 'this is a log' } );

// Meanwhile in the logger
logger.error( 'this is a log' );
} );

Adding custom event when a specific log type (error/info/silly/etc) and custom data arrives

// This will look into the logs sent looking for the occurence of the message
logstream.addCustomEvent( { event: 'mycustomevent', level: 'error', mymsg: 'this is a log' } );

// Meanwhile in the logger
logger.error( { mymsg: 'this is a log' } );
} );

Adding custom event that will look for logs for a specified interval

// This will look into the logs for the specified interval (in milliseconds) and will return the logs matched after the interval.
logstream.addCustomEvent( { event: 'mycustomevent', level: 'error', interval: 5000 } );

Adding custom event that will look for logs for a specified interval and the limit of logs that should be received

// This event will look into the logs for the specified interval (in milliseconds) and limit, this custom event will be triggered on the logs exceed the limit
logstream.addCustomEvent( { event: 'mycustomevent', level: 'error', interval: 5000, limit: 1 } );


Configuration for adding custom events

Option Definition Required
event the custom event name required
level the log type/level required
message the text occurence to search for in the logs sent optional
interval in milliseconds, the time until the event is triggered optional
limit the limit for the logs to be received, if limit is reached then the event is triggered. should come with interval option optional

Listening for the custom events

logstream.on( 'mycustomevent', ( msg, log ) => {
    console.log( msg ); // This is the message from the log stream.
    console.log( log ); // The log data
} );


As of now, Logbin is still in its early stages of development. As the project initiates its testing phase, we need people to use the service to discover bugs and receive feedback for improvement. Fortunately, you can already use this service by connecting to the server with the following host.

Host: 'ec2-52-196-108-147.ap-northeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com'

Just add the hostname above in your config object to the API. During the testing phase, there is no token validation implemented yet so you can put any string to this field.
