Localization WOW!
For all who have a lot to localize and don't want to think up names for constants.
How to use:
once from your entry point to set the active language (where you get that from is up to you, e.g. browser headers or your server's settings).In your code use one of the following ways to localize values:
var hi = Localize({ en:"Hello", de:"Hallo", fr:"Salut" });
var hi2 = Localize("Hello|de:Hallo|fr:Salut");
var bye = Localize({ en: "Bye", de: "Tschüss", 'de-DE': "Tschüß", fr: "Salut" });
var obj = ({ en: objNeutral, de: objGerman, fr: objFrench })[Localize({ en:"en", de:"de", fr:"fr" })] || objNeutral;
Install in your project directory
npm install localization-wow
Use from Typescript
import { Localize, setupLocalization } from 'localization-wow/Localize';
const foo = Localize({ en: "Foo", de: "Fuh" });
Use from Javascript
var { Localize, setupLocalization } = require('localization-wow/Localize');
var foo = Localize({ en: "Foo", de: "Fuh" });
More sophisticated keys like en-GB
are possible.
Should no match be found for the active language, the fallback is the en-US
entry (resp. en-us
or en
or a '?').
This allows you to see and modify the text directly in your source code. No need to come up with names for entries in string tables.
The TypeScript source files are available in the source directory in the package. They have been relocated in version 1.0.4 in order to avoid issues with ts-loader.