
Sends messages between local browser tabs and windows.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import localIntercom from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/local-intercom';


Local Intercom

A package that allows browser tabs and windows to communicate. This was built to help me syncronize multiple browser tabs on the same machine.


  1. Install the package from npm. npm i local-intercom
  2. Include the package in your code. include intercom from 'local-intercom'
  3. Listen for a type of message and describe what to do. intercom.listen('chat', (msg) => console.log(msg))
  4. Send messages. intercom.send('notify') intercom.send('chat', 'Hello') intercom.send('update', { hello: 'world' })


Start a local demo with your favorite local web server. I use python in the following example.

git clone https://https://github.com/brettk-dev/local-intercom.git
cd local-intercom
python -m http.server

Then open http://localhost:8000/demo in your browser.


  • You must listen to the same type of message that is being sent. All other types will be ignored.
  • The message being sent can be anything JSON.stringify will handle, or undefined.
  • This uses localStorage under the hood to pass data.