
A node.js module for running load tests and functional tests on loadmill.com

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import loadmill from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/loadmill';



Users of Loadmill can use this node module to:

  1. Run API tests on loadmill.com.
  2. Run load tests on loadmill.com.
  3. Do both programmatically or via CLI.


Using npm:

npm install loadmill --save

Using yarn:

yarn add loadmill

If you need to run the loadmill CLI outside of an npm script, you may prefer to install this package globally.

Using npm:

npm install -g loadmill

Using yarn:

yarn global add loadmill


API Tokens

In order to use the Loadmill REST API or our node module and CLI, you will need to generate an API Token.

Test Suites

You may launch an existing test suite by supplying the suite id - this is usually useful for testing your API for regressions after every new deployment. Test suites are launched and not awaiting the results.

const loadmill = require('loadmill')({token: process.env.LOADMILL_API_TOKEN});

 * @returns { id: 'uuid', type: 'test-suite' }
const result = await loadmill.runTestSuite({id: "test-suite-uuid"});

You can also extend the suite object with options object - containing:

  • additionalDescription - added at the end of the test suite description.
  • labels - will execute only flows attached to these labales.

Also, you may add a second argument if you wish to override suite parameters

const result = await loadmill.runTestSuite(
        id: "test-suite-uuid",
        options: { //optional
            additionalDescription: "description to add", // will be added to the end of the test suite description.
            labels: ["label1", "label2"], //run flows that are assigned to specific label/s
            pool: "some-pool-name" // Execute tests from a dedicated agent's pool (when using private agent)
        "parameterKey": "overrided value"

You can run the test suite and create a junit-like report in the end:

* @returns {id: string, type: 'load' | 'test-suite', passed: boolean, url: string}
loadmill.runTestSuite({id: "test-suite-uuid"})

// promise with async/await
const id = await loadmill.runTestSuite({id: "test-suite-uuid"});
const result = await loadmill.wait(id);
loadmill.junitReport(result); // may add a second arg of path to save the report to.

You can run the test suite and create a mochawesome report in the end:

* @returns {id: string, type: 'load' | 'test-suite', passed: boolean, url: string}
loadmill.runTestSuite({id: "test-suite-uuid"})

// promise with async/await
const id = await loadmill.runTestSuite(
       id: "test-suite-uuid", // required
       options: { //optional
           additionalDescription: "description to add", // added at the end of the test suite description.
           labels: ["label1", "label2"], // run flows that are assigned to specific label/s
           pool: "some-pool-name" // Execute tests from a dedicated agent's pool (when using private agent)
   { "parameterKey": "overrided value" } //optional
const result = await loadmill.wait(id);
loadmill.mochawesomeReport(result); // may add a second arg of path to save the report to.

Test Plans

You can launch an existing test plan by supplying the test plan id:

const testPlan = await loadmill.runTestPlan(
        id: "test-plan-uuid" // required
        options: { //optional
            additionalDescription: "description to add", // added at the end of of each test suite
            labels: ["label1", "label2"], // run suites that have flows assigned to specific label/s
            pool: "some-pool-name", // Execute tests from a dedicated agent's pool (when using private agent)
            parallel: 2 , // Set the concurrency amount of a running test suites in a test plan. Max concurrency is 10 
    { "parameterKey": "overrided value" } //optional

const result = await loadmill.wait(testPlan);       

Load tests

The following code runs a very simple load test that gets a single page from www.myapp.com every second for one minute:

const loadmill = require('loadmill')({token: process.env.LOADMILL_API_TOKEN});

// You may also give a path to a valid Test Configuration JSON file instead:
const id = await loadmill.run({requests: [{url: "www.myapp.com"}]});
console.log("Load test started: " + id);

Test Configuration

The JSON test configuration may be exported from the loadmill test editor or from an old test run.

Read more about the configuration format here.

Waiting for Tests

Since load tests usually run for at least a few minutes, the loadmill client does not wait for them to finish by default. You can explicitly wait for a test to finish using the wait function:

* @returns {id: string, type: 'load' | 'test-suite', passed: boolean, url: string}
   .then(result => console.log(result));

// promise with async/await
const loadTestId = await loadmill.run({ requests: [{ url: "www.myapp.com" }] });
const result = await loadmill.wait(loadTestId);


You will usually want some part of your test to be dynamic, e.g. the host name of the tested server. With Loadmill, this is made easy by using parameters. You may set/override parameter defaults for a test by passing a hash mapping parameter names to values:

// Parameters may come before or instead of a callback:
loadmill.run("./load-tests/parametrized_test.json", {host: "test.myapp.com", port: 4443}, (err, id) => {/*...*/});


The loadmill Command Line Interface basically wraps the functions provided by the node module:

loadmill <load-config-file-or-folder | test-suite-id> -t <token> [options] [parameter=value...]

Test suites

You may launch a test suite by setting the -s or --test-suite option:

loadmill test-suite-id --test-suite -t DW2rTlkNmE6A3ax5LVTSDxv2Jfw4virjQpmbOaLG

The test suite will be launched and its unique identifier will be printed to the standard output. You may alternatively set the -w or --wait option in order to wait for the test-suite to finish, in which case only the result JSON will be printed out at the end

You can add an additional description at the end of the current suite's description with the --additional-description <description> option.

You can tell loadmill to run flows that are assigned to a specific label with the --labels <labels> option. Multiple labels can be provided by seperated them with "," (e.g. 'label1,label2').

loadmill <test-suite-id> --test-suite -t <token> --labels "label1,label2"

Test Plan

You may launch a test plan by setting the --test-plan option:

loadmill  <test-plan-id> --test-plan -w -v -t <token> --report --colors --labels "label1,label2"

Load Tests

You may launch a load test by setting the -l or --load-test option:

loadmill test.json --load-test -t DW2rTlkNmE6A3ax5LVTSDxv2Jfw4virjQpmbOaLG

The load test will be launched and its unique identifier will be printed to the standard output. You may alternatively set the -w or --wait option in order to wait for the load test to finish, in which case only the result JSON will be printed out at the end:

loadmill test.json -lw -t DW2rTlkNmE6A3ax5LVTSDxv2Jfw4virjQpmbOaLG

Exit Status

Unless the -n or --no-bail option is set, the CLI process will exit with a nonzero exit code if the test had not passed. Other errors, such as invalid command line arguments or unavailable network will always give a nonzero exit status.


You may set loadmill parameter values via command line arguments by passing name=value pairs:

loadmill parametrized_test.json host=test.myapp.com port=4443 -t DW2rTlkNmE6A3ax5LVTSDxv2Jfw4virjQpmbOaLG

CLI Options

Full list of command line options:

  • -h, --help Output usage information.
  • -t, --token <token> Provide a Loadmill API Token. You must provide a token in order to run tests.
  • -l, --load-test Launch a load test.
  • --test-plan Launch a test plan.
  • -s, --test-suite Launch a test suite. If set then a test suite id must be provided instead of config file.
  • -p, --parallel Set the concurrency of a running test suites in a test plan. Max concurrency is 10.
  • --additional-description <description> Add an additional description at the end of the current suite's / test-plan's description.
  • --labels <labels>, Run flows that are assigned to a specific label. Multiple labels can be provided by seperated them with "," (e.g. 'label1,label2').
  • --pool <pool> Execute tests from a dedicated agent's pool (when using private agent).
  • -w, --wait Wait for the test to finish.
  • -n, --no-bail Return exit code 0 even if test fails.
  • -q, --quiet Do not print out anything (except errors).
  • -v, --verbose Print out extra information for debugging (trumps -q). In case of an error will print the entire test's requests otherwise will print only the failed request.
  • -r, --report Print out Test Suite Flow Runs report when the suite has ended.
  • -j, --junit-report Create Test Suite (junit style) report when the suite has ended.
  • --junit-report-path <path> Save junit styled report to a path (defaults to current location) when -j flag is on.
  • -m, --mochawesome-report Create Test Suite (mochawesome style) report when the suite has ended.
  • --mochawesome-report-path <mochawesomeReportPath> Save JSON mochawesome styled report to a path (defaults to current location) when -m flag is on.
  • --colors Print test results in color.