
Simple Laravel Elixir wrapper to compile Jade

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import lnLaravelElixirJade from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ln-laravel-elixir-jade';



Simple Laravel Elixir wrapper to compile Jade to Blade/PHP.

Compiled Templates are located in your /resources/views/ folder as default.


Run the following command in your Laravel project:

npm install ln-laravel-elixir-jade

Next, add the following line into your gulpfile.js:


And your done!

NOTE: Jade files, with default options, should be in a /resources/jade/ folder. Make sure to create one!


For Jade's options, see http://jade-lang.com/api/

But wait, there's more! You can also set html: true to compile to *.html instead of *.blade.php or *.php. You can also set blade: false to compile to *.php instead of *.blade.php when html: false

All other options should be pretty straight forward.

These are the default options:

    baseDir: './resources',
    html: false
    blade: true,
    dest: '/views/',
    pretty: true,
    search: '**/*.jade',
    src: '/jade/'

Example gulpfile.js

var elixir = require('laravel-elixir');


elixir(function(mix) {
        search: '*.jade',
        src: '/templates/'


Mixins for Blade statements by other people

@JaminFarr made an excellent gist of jade mixins which you can use with laravel-elixir-jade, as well as @franzose whose awesome gist can be found here.

Simple stuff

If you want to use something like url() or URL::asset(), you can do it like this:

//- Example Stylesheet
link(href!='{{ URL::asset("assets/css/example.css") }}', rel='stylesheet')

//- Attributes
span(class='{{ $cool_class }}')

//- Block
    | Hello {{ $username }}!

//- Inline
div Welcome back, {{ $username }}!

NOTE: Just remember to use != to prevent HTML from being escaped in the output or escape " and ' yourself with a backslash.