
## Usage ```js var path = require("path"); var LivelyConfig = require("lively-config").LivelyConfig

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import livelyConfig from '';




var path = require("path");
var LivelyConfig = require("lively-config").LivelyConfig

var liveConfig = new LivelyConfig();
Order matters
liveConfig.using(... Highest Resolution Priority ...)
          .using(... Lower Resolution Priority ...)
          .using(... Lowest Resolution Priority ...)
  .usingFile(path.join(__dirname, "/test.json"))
  .usingHttp("", {}, 60000)

liveConfig.ready.then(() => {

LivelyConfig Properties


A promise created on construction that resolves after finalize has been invoked and all resolvers have resolved at least once.

LivelyConfig Methods


Returns an Array of all the key names in LivelyConfig

getNamedValue(String name)

Returns the value of the given key name. If no value is found null will be returned

getMaybeNamedValue(String name)

Returns a wrapped value of the given key name. ({value: foundValue...}) If no value is found null will be returned


Returns a livelyConfig clone that contains a snapshot of all current configs.

usingEnvironmentVars(Optional interval)

Adds a EnvironmentVarsResolver with given config file to the LivelyConfig and will poll the environment vars if interval is given

usingFile(String filePath, Optional interval)

Adds a FileSystemResolver with given config file to the LivelyConfig and will poll the file if interval is given

usingHttp(String url, Object Headers, Optional interval)

Adds a HttpResolver and will call the url with headers and will poll the file if interval is given

usingObject(Object config, Optional interval)

Adds an ObjectResolver and use the provided config objects


Locks the Resolvers list and will trigger the ready promise after all resolvers have resolved at least once

using(Resolver resolver)

Adds a resolver to the LivelyConfig

Resolver (abstract)

Resolvers are how configs are loaded into the LivelyConfig, out of the box there are 2 concrete implementations (FileSystemResolver and HttpResolver), you can make your own by inheriting from the Resolver Class provided and implementing a resolve method.