Your attention is offered six games developed within the framework of the training project level 1. The game process takes place in the console.
At the beginning of each game is an acquaintance - you need to enter a name, which you will be contacted. To win, you must correctly answer three questions, in case of an incorrect answer the game ends.
For the winners in all the games there is a prize - increase self-esteem.
- To use the game brain-games you need: node js 8, npm 5.6.0
- Install in terminal:
npm install -g littelbit-brain-games
<< video instalation >> - Common rule: you must given three time right answers to win.
- The games. Please type in terminal one of this and press enter:
Is the number even? >> video game processbrain-calc
Calculate expression >> video game processbrain-gcd
Find greatest common divisor >> video game processbrain-balance
Calculate balance number >> video game processbrain-progression
Calculate missing number into progression >> video game processbrain-prime
Is the number prime? >> video game process