Default HTML Template forThis package contains the APIs needed to implement LiTScript templates as well as the default template that is included out-of-the-box. Templates build static web pages using input parameters provided by LiTScript. They are loaded dynamically, making it possible to write your own templates. Most of the time you probably prefer just to customize the default template using various parameters provided by it.
Templates also include the style sheets and code files required by the web pages. These can be written using Less and TypeScript. You can use CommonJS modules to organize your source files in a clean structure. LiTScript transforms TypeScript to JS and Less to CSS. It then bundles the modules into few files that are easy to deploy. Since the bundler tracks all the style and code files, you can change them on the fly and see the results right away. This is convenient especially in watch mode.
You can utilize the simple templating framework provided by the package to create new templates or use whatever technology you like.
- Information about LiTScript is available at
- The documentation for this project can be found at