
Lightweight development server and compiler.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import liteDev from '';


npm version


Lightweight development server and compiler.

This will be your good friend when you just want to build a simple website, but not willing to see Makefile, Gulpfile or any redundant blahblah scripts.

How to use

  1. Install npm install -g lite-dev
  2. Open your Terminal on your web directory cd /works/foo-website/
  3. Run lite-dev

Game Rule

Directory Structure

Just put everything together. For example:

  • index.html
  • about.html
  • bs-config.json (optional)
  • scss
    • style.scss
    • _misc
      • variable.scss
      • mixin.scss
  • css
    • (empty directory; the destination directory of Sass compiler)
  • js
    • jQuery.min.js
    • index.js

Command Options

  -h, --help       Show options message.
  -c, --compile    Compile only. BrowserSync will not run.
  -m, --map        Generate SourceMap data.
  -o, --once       Don't watch changes. One-shot compilation.
  -p, --port PORT  BrowserSync port. Works even if "bs-config.json" file exists.


First of all, if you don't have a sass compiler, install one:

  • For most computers, npm install -g node-sass
  • For some moribund outdated computers, npm install -g sass.js

And here we go.

  1. Create a source directory named as scss or sass.
  2. Create a destination directory named as css, style or stylesheet.
  3. Compose your scss files.
  4. Run lite-dev, and your scss files will be compiled and watched.

Notice: sass/scss files under subdirectories will be ignored.


First of all, if you don't have a TypeScript compiler, install one with npm install -g typescript

  1. Create your tsconfig.json file, or...
    • Create a source directory named as typescript or ts.
    • Create a destination directory named as javascript, js or script.
    • lite-dev runs tsc with --target es5 by default.
    • The ts files under subdirectories will be ignored.
  2. Compose your TypeScript files.
  3. Run lite-dev, and your TypeScript files will be compiled and watched.