
Component library build on native browser standards. See the repository for the source code.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import litLightComponents from '';


Lit light component library

Component library build on native browser standards. See the repository for the source code.

Send events

Send events for every user interaction we might want to track in the parent app.


Jsdoc is used as the standard for documentation. This standard works well with the web-component-analyzer which can extract all the documentation and convert it to a JSON file. npm run analyze to udate the documentation of a package. Make sure you use Node >v10.


es-dev-server is use to serve the apps locally. Using api-viewer-element we can show detailed information on the web components extracted by the web-component-analyzer. npm start will serve the demo. Stylus can compile file changes to css with each save, run npm run stylus:watch in a second terminal.