
Simple rule runner that does things to cards on a LeanKit board. More info: https://github.com/vc3/LeanKit-BoardRules

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import leankitBoardrules from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/leankit-boardrules';



Node script and module that does things to cards on a LeanKit board.


npm install leankit-boardrules -g

Command Line Usage:

leankit-boardrules email password <execute|report> configFile');


  • email: Email address of user to connect as
  • password: Password of user to connect as
  • execute: Specify to execute the rules
  • report: Specify to show a report of what will occur if rules are executed
  • configFile: JavaScript file that defines the rule configuration (exports = {account, boardId, rules})

Example config file:

Config files are just node modules (single JavaScript file) that exports the following:

  • account: The name of your organization account registered with LeanKit.com
  • boardId: The id of the board the rules apply to. You can get this by looking at the URL to a card on the board. Its the first large number in the URL.
  • rules: Array of card selectors and actions. Check out sample-rules.js for an example.

Example Config:

// How long to wait until a card is demoted in the backlog
var daysUntilDemontion = 30;

exports.account = 'your-account-name';
exports.boardId = 123456789;

exports.rules = [
    // Promote cards with activity
        cards: { in_lane: 'Backlog|Aging Out|Generation 2', modified: { after_last: 'Move' } },
        actions: { move_to: { lane: 'Backlog|Aging Out|Generation 1' } }
        cards: { in_lane: 'Backlog|Aging Out|Generation 3', modified: { after_last: 'Move' } },
        actions: { move_to: { lane: 'Backlog|Aging Out|Generation 1' } }

    // Demote cards without activity
        cards: { in_lane: 'Backlog|Aging Out|Generation 1', not_modified: { in_days: daysUntilDemontion } },
        actions: { move_to: { lane: 'Backlog|Aging Out|Generation 2' } }
        cards: { in_lane: 'Backlog|Aging Out|Generation 2', not_modified: { in_days: daysUntilDemontion } },
        actions: { move_to: { lane: 'Backlog|Aging Out|Generation 3' } }

    // Age out cases
        cards: { in_lane: 'Backlog|Aging Out|Generation 3', not_modified: { in_days: daysUntilDemontion }, tagged: 'case' },
        actions: { move_to: { lane: 'Backlog|Aged Cases' } }

    // Age out non-cases
        cards: { in_lane: 'Backlog|Aging Out|Generation 3', not_modified: { in_days: daysUntilDemontion }, not_tagged: 'case' },
        actions: { move_to: { lane: 'Archive|Aged Out' } }

Card Selectors

These selectors apply to all cards in the backlog, in process and archive areas of a board.

Selectors can be extended by adding factory methods to the boardRules.if object. Send a pull request if you'd like to share a selector.


Selects all cards in a lane, excluding sub-lanes. Argument is the full, pipe-delimited name of the lane.


{in_lane: 'Backlog|Next Up'}


Selects cards modified within a period of time.


  • after_last: 'move'
  • since:
  • id_days:
  • in_hours:
  • in_minutes:
  • in_seconds:

Example: cards modified after they were last moved

{modified: {after_last: 'mode'}}

Example: cards modified within the last week

{modified: {in_days: 7}}

Example: cards modified after a specific date and time

{modified: {since: aJavaScriptDate}}


Selects cards that are tagged with a specific tag. Tag matching is case insensitive.


{tagged: 'YourTagName'}

not_in_lane, not_modified, not_tagged

Appending 'not_' to a selector will invert it. All cards that it would normally exclude will be selected and those normally selected, excluded.

Card Actions

Currently there's only one card action: move_to. However, actions are extensible if you'd like to add more (see: boardRules.do). Send a pull request if you'd like to share an action you've written.


Moves cards into a lane

  • lane: Pipe-delimited full title of the lane. For example: 'Backlog|Next Up'
  • wipOverrideReason: Optional reason for a WIP override if one is needed to move the card into the lane

Example: move cards to the archive

{move_to: {lane: 'Archive' }}

Example: move cards to the 'Next Up' lane and specify a WIP override reason if needed

{move_to: {lane: 'Backlog|Up Next', wipOverrideReason: 'This is another number one priority!' }}

Test Coverage

There's pretty good test coverage of the selectors and actions. Tests require Jasmine to run and are in the spec folder.

jasmine-node spec