
Protocol plugin adding Websocket demultiplexer support to Kuzzle

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import kuzzlePluginWebsocketDemultiplexer from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/kuzzle-plugin-websocket-demultiplexer';


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Protocol plugin: websocket-demultiplexer

Protocol plugin adding Multiplexed websocket support to Kuzzle. It is designed to be used with the kuzzle load-balancer.


This plugin doesn't need any right.


You can override the configuration usign the CLI utilitie in Kuzzle:

Name Default value Type Description
loadBalancerUrl "ws://loadbalancer:7331" URL URL of the load-balancer
retryInterval 1000 Integer Time delay between connection retries in ms

How to create a plugin

See Kuzzle documentation about plugin for more information about how to create your own plugin.

About Kuzzle

For UI and linked objects developers, Kuzzle is an open-source solution that handles all the data management (CRUD, real-time storage, search, high-level features, etc).

Kuzzle features are accessible through a secured API. It can be used through a large choice of protocols such as REST, Websocket or Message Queuing protocols.