
Komfo Angular Components based on Komfo UI

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import komfoAngularComponents from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/komfo-angular-components';


Komfo AngularJS Components

AngularJS Components that will use Komfo UI HTML/CSS Framework


If you want to run the project you will require nodejs, npm, bower, grunt, ruby & bundler packages. Make sure you have all of them installed and then run these two commands as follows:

$ npm start
$ grunt build

This will create and package all the project source into single file into /dist directory. Also will run all test of the project.


To start the development you have to run:

$ grunt dev

This will rebuild the project at first, then will start concurrent tasks to monitor for file changes, and will rebuild the part of the project that changed & re-run the test on it.

You could use almost all features into ES6 spec, for more info

  • Array comprehensions
  • Arrow functions
  • Async functions
  • Async generator functions
  • Classes
  • Class properties
  • Computed property names
  • Constants
  • Decorators
  • Default parameters
  • Destructuring
  • Exponentiation operator
  • For-of
  • Function bind
  • Generators
  • Generator comprehensions
  • Let scoping
  • Modules
  • Module export extensions
  • Object rest/spread
  • Property method assignment
  • Property name shorthand
  • Rest parameters
  • React
  • Spread
  • Template literals
  • Type annotations
  • Unicode regex

Use of this features is preferred than use of external libraries.


├── Gruntfile.coffee
├── README.md
├── bower.json
├── dist                        // Built version of the `src`
│   ├── app.js                  // All `*.js` files from `src` including `templates`
│   ├── component.bundle.js     // libs.js + app.js - minified
│   ├── component.templates.js  // templates only
│   └── libs.js                 // libs including angularjs or any other lib as dependency
├── jsdoc                       // Project Documentation
├── package.json                
├── src                         // Source Code of the project
│   ├── application.js          // Project entry point
│   ├── directives              // Directives
│   └── views                   // Views for directive, controllers and whatever is needed
└── tests                       
    ├── karma.conf.js           // Karma Configuration
    ├── stubs                   // Stub data used into tests
    ├── test_helper.js          // Before test runner start
    └── unit                    // Unit test directory

node_modules & bower_components directories must be into .gitignore file and never be commited


To genarate the documentation you could run:

$ grunt jsdoc

For more information about how to document the AngularJS project check this project


Project version is manage by npm. You may use one of the following predefined commands:

$ grunt patch
$ grunt minor
$ grunt major

It will bump the version, build the project, commit it to git and push it to "origin" with a version tag.


TODO: Write this


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am '[tag] Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D


TODO: Write this


TODO: Write this