
Welcome to a new KIT RN Module.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import kitcatalogue from '';


KIT React Native Module

Welcome to a new KIT RN Module.

It is assumed that you have already installled a suitable development environment from the kitApp instructions.

To setup this module:

  • Find/Replace 'kitCatalogue' -> 'kit{ModuleName}' with case senstitivity
  • Find/Replace 'kitcatalogue' -> 'kit{modulename}' with case sensitivity
  • npm install

Update this readme!

Commit messages

This repo expects to follow the commitizen pattern for commits.

Please run

npm install -g commitizen

When you want to make a commit please use

git cz

instead of

git commit

This will provide a step by step commit process and produce nicely formatted and detailed commit messages that can be easily tracked!

Thank you :)