
khs-convo react chat component, with default emulation

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import khsConvoChatComponent from '';



A reusable React Chat UI Component for textual communication between endpoints, for use with npm-based projects.

This component abstracts away its data transport middleware and, in the absence of a consumer-provided implementation, emulates its own asynchronous reply.

Adding To your React Application

./src/components/webconvo/webconvo.js is the main component.

import WebConvo from 'khs-convo-chat-component';

    receiveHandler={<a_function_or_null>} // see details below
    sendHandler={<a_function_or_null>} // see details below

All of the properties are optional and have "null" defaults.

Callback Functions

The second part, also optional, is to provide property functions with these contracts:


The sendHandler is a function that takes messages from the component. It looks like this:

// note: function name is variable
function sendFunctionName(message, success, error) {
    // do something with the incoming Message (see JSON representation below)...
    // return the message to success() or
    // return the string error to error()

And a look at the callbacks passed to this function:

function success(message) {
    // message is the same one passed to the sendHandler (see JSON representation below)...
function error(errorText) {
    // errorText is a string


To facilitate asynchronous communication, all responses from the remote endpoint must come from this property function:

// note: function name is variable
function receiveFunctionName(cb) {
    // construct the outgoing Message (see JSON representation below)...
    // and send to the cb()

The response callback looks like this:

function cb(newMessage) {
    // newMessage is a Message (see JSON representation below)...

Message JSON

The Message (used as an argument in the sendHandler, success callback, and receiveHandler callback) looks like this:

    sender: "<string_identifier_of_the_message_sender>",
    text: "<the_message_text>"


yarn is used to manage the project.

Note that building is not required to utilize the component in your project. It is ready for consumption after declaring the project as a dependency.


    "dependencies": {
        "khs-convo-chat-component": "2.2.0"


To build a production version:

$ yarn build

... which builds into ./dist.


To build a development version:

$ yarn dev

... which builds into ./public for the static server.

Note that you may change the declared React properties prior to building dev in ./src/index.js

You may also provide the implementations of the handler functions there, as well. Stubs have been commented-out.

Running the Server

$ yarn start will start a static server at localhost:3000. It serves out of ./public.