
JavaScript module for converting any collection into a fake Tuple.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jsTupler from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/js-tupler';



A light and flexible library to parse collections data types into a js abstraction that could represent tuples


Run npm install --save js-tupler in your project's root folder.


Import js-tupler into your file/component using File System Modules or ES6 Modules:

  • For File System Modules type const Main = require('js-tupler'); at the top of your file/component.
  • For ES6 Modules type import Main from 'js-tupler'; at the top of your file/component.


  1. Create an issue describing the changes.
  2. Clone the repo.
  3. Create a branch in the following pattern: {your username}-{feature name}-{optionally the issue number}.
  4. Make commits that should resolve a single feature.
  5. Use the comment to explain which files you modified.