Set, unset, push, addToSet, pull at a deep path in a JS hash (or an array).
- Mutates objects in memory
- Can update top level fields or fields at any depth.
- Uses conditional matching within array items so that one can do deep update within matched array item too.
- addToSet command is like push, but different in a way that it adds the new value only if it does not exist in existing collection
var updater = require('js-object-updater')
doc: objectToBeUpdated,
force: true, //Default false. Whether to force create the (possibly deep) paths during this update, if they don't exist
update: {//Can run multiple commands in one call
<command>: [], // Can give instructions for a command
<commandB>: {}, // Can give single instruction for a command
How to use push, addToSet, pull commands
//Run one instruction against a command
<commandA>: {
_path: ['deep', 'nested', 'array', {'arrayItemsFieldX': 'should match this value', 'arrayFieldY': 'should be this'}, 'so on and so forth'], // _path is always expected to be an array
_value: 'a single value to be pushed, pulled, addedToSet'
//Run multiple instructions against a command
<commandB>: [
_path: ['deep', 'nested', 'path'],
_values: ['any value A', 'some value B'] // Specify _values for dealing with a list of values one by one
_path: ['deep', 'nested', 'path'],
_value: ['any value A', 'some value B'] // Since we are saying _value now, entire array as a single Object will be pushed, pulled, addedToSet
{ //For updating top level fields in the object, just specifying <key>:<val> pairs works
'topLevelFieldA': 'valueA for top Level field',
'topLevelFieldB': ['valueB', 'valueC'] //Each value in array will be treated independently. Same as _values
How to use set
Same way as addToSet, push, pull except that _value must be used. _values does not make any sense in case of set on a field, and is hence ignored
set: [
{topLevelField: 'value'} , //A single top level field to be unset
_path: ['fieldA', 'nestedFieldB', 'arrayFieldInB', {'itemField1': 'matches this value'}, 'fieldZ of matched array item']
_value: '65'
How to use unset
Same as others, except that there is no concept/use of _value/_values in unset. We simply want to remove a field from an object
unset: [
'topLevelField', //A single top level field to be unset
['topLevelFieldB', 'topLevelFieldC'] //A list of top level fields to be unset
{_path: ['fieldA', 'nestedFieldB', 'arrayFieldInB', {'itemField1': 'matches this value'}, 'fieldZ of matched array item']}
In these examples we will mutate a single object in steps, demonstrating each update command one by one
All the different kind of update commands can be executed in one single API call also
var updater = require('js-object-updater')
var objectToUpdate = { //Can be an array or object
aTopLevelField: 'foo',
topLevelArray: [2, 4, {a: 3}],
anotherTopLevelArray: [
someField: 3,
arr2: [
a: 2,
f: 4,
x: {
fieldA: 'someRandomValue'
someField: 4,
arr2: [
a: 23,
f: 42,
x: {
fieldA: 'some other random value',
arrC: [42, 56]
doc: objectToUpdate,
force:true,// As far as unset command is concerned, force true or false does not make any difference
update: {
unset: [
_path: ["anotherTopLevelArray", {someField: 3}, "arr2", {a: 2, f: 4}, "x"]
['aTopLevelField'] //The array of top level fields
console.log('after unset', JSON.stringify(objectToUpdate))
//{"topLevelArray":[2,4,{"a":3}],"anotherTopLevelArray":[{"someField":3,"arr2":[{"a":2,"f":4}]},{"someField":4,"arr2":[{"a":23,"f":42,"x":{"fieldA":"some other random value","arrC":[42,56]}}]}]}
doc: objectToUpdate,
force:true,//Whether to force creation of nested path if it does not fully exist
update: {
_path: ["anotherTopLevelArray", {someField: 4}, "arr2", {a:23, f:42}, "foo"],
_value: 6.5
someOtherTopLevelField: 42,
anotherTopLevelField: [42, 65]
console.log('after set', JSON.stringify(objectToUpdate))
//{"topLevelArray":[2,4,{"a":3}],"anotherTopLevelArray":[{"someField":3,"arr2":[{"a":2,"f":4}]},{"someField":4,"arr2":[{"a":23,"f":42,"x":{"fieldA":"some other random value","arrC":[42,56]},"foo":6.5}]}],"someOtherTopLevelField":42,"anotherTopLevelField":[42,65]}
doc: objectToUpdate,
force:true, // In pull, force true or false does not make any difference
update: {
_path: ["anotherTopLevelArray", {someField:3}, "arr2"],
_value: {a: 2} //Remove the objects from nested path where a:2}
_path: ["anotherTopLevelArray", {someField: 3}, "arr2", {a: 23,f: 42},"arrC"],
_values: [42, 56] //Should have no effect since these do not exist at x in the deep path specified above
topLevelArray: 2 //Pull just 3 from topLevelArray
topLevelArray: [{a: 3}, 4] //Pull out one object where a:23 and one object where the number is 4
console.log('after pull', JSON.stringify(objectToUpdate))
//{"topLevelArray":[],"anotherTopLevelArray":[{"someField":3,"arr2":[]},{"someField":4,"arr2":[{"a":23,"f":42,"x":{"fieldA":"some other random value","arrC":[42,56]},"foo":6.5}]}],"someOtherTopLevelField":42,"anotherTopLevelField":[]}
doc: objectToUpdate,
update: {
topLevelArray: 21 //Will concat 21 to list of vlaues at topLevelArray. If topLevelArrat does not exist or is not an array, will make it an array
topLevelArray: [5, 3] //Will push 5 and 3 to topLevelArray
_path: ["anotherTopLevelArray",{someField:3},"arr2",{a:2,f:4},"x"], //Do a deep push at x after traversing two arrays
_values: [6.5, 3.4] //Push both these values one by one
_path: ["anotherTopLevelArray",{someField:3},"arr2",{a:2,f:4}, "arrC"], //Do a deep push at x after traversing two arrays
_value: 6565 //Set a single value
console.log('after push', JSON.stringify(objectToUpdate))
//{"topLevelArray":[21,5,3],"anotherTopLevelArray":[{"someField":3,"arr2":[{"a":2,"f":4,"x":[6.5,3.4],"arrC":[6565]}]},{"someField":4,"arr2":[{"a":23,"f":42,"x":{"fieldA":"some other random value","arrC":[42,56]},"foo":6.5}]}],"someOtherTopLevelField":42,"anotherTopLevelField":[42,65]}
doc: objectToUpdate,
update: {
topLevelArray: 21 //Will not concat 21 to list of vlaues at topLevelArray as the value already exists
topLevelArray: [5, 32] //Will push 32 to topLevelArray. 5 will be ignored
_path: ["anotherTopLevelArray",{someField:3},"arr2",{a:2,f:4}, "arrC"],
_value: 6565 //Ignored
console.log('after addToSet', JSON.stringify(objectToUpdate))
//{"topLevelArray":[21,5,3,32],"anotherTopLevelArray":[{"someField":3,"arr2":[{"a":2,"f":4,"x":[6.5,3.4],"arrC":[6565]}]},{"someField":4,"arr2":[{"a":23,"f":42,"x":{"fieldA":"some other random value","arrC":[42,56]},"foo":6.5}]}],"someOtherTopLevelField":42,"anotherTopLevelField":[42,65]}