
Laravel style form validation for JavaScript

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jsLaravelValidation from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/js-laravel-validation';


js-laravel-validation npm version Build Status

Useful for having consistent server side and client side validation with Laravel

All rules are base on documentation from https://laravel.com/docs/5.7/validation#available-validation-rules


Install: npm install js-laravel-validation


  import { validateForm } from "js-laravel-validation";

  const formData = {
    username: {
      value: "test1",
      validation: "required|string"
    password: {
      value: null,
      validation: "required|string"

  const result = validateForm({ formData });

  if (result.errors) {
    console.log(result.errors); // will be { password: ['required', 'string'] }


Function Name Description
validateForm(options) Takes a number of options to validate the form data
setMessageHandler(rule, createMessage) Sets or replaces the current message handler for the specified rule
setMessageHandlers(messages) Replaces multiple message handers

Missing Rules

  • active_url

    • This cannot be supported because JS does not support hostname lookups (dns_get_record in PHP)
    • This could be implemented if there was a reliable way to host a small API to do the lookup
  • date_format

    • This can be added with something like return new Date(value).format(params[0]) === value;
    • Unfortunately that isn't so easy in vanilla js atm
  • exists & unqiue

    • These are both rules relating to the database
  • not_regex (to come)

  • regex (to come)

    • Regex requires extra parsing to remove forward slashes around regex