
An utility to centralize and rule common js-framework-benchmark test cases.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jsFrameworkBenchmarkUtils from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/js-framework-benchmark-utils';



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An utility to centralize and rule common js-framework-benchmark test cases.

import {State, buildData} from 'js-framework-benchmark-utils';
// or const {State, buildData} = require('js-framework-benchmark-utils');

buildData(1000);  // creates an Array with 1000 items
buildData(10000); // creates an Array with 10000 items

const state = State(
  // function that will receive the state reference per each update
  function update(state = {
    // database
    data,     // the Array containing all items
    selected, // the currently selected item.id or -1

    // methods (self bound)
    add,      // add 1000 rows/items to the data
    clear,    // remove all rows/items from the data
    remove,   // remove(item.id) to remove only a specific row/item
    run,      // create 1000 rows/items
    runLots,  // create 10000 rows/items
    select,   // select(item.id) to select a specific row/item
    swapRows, // to swap the second row/item with the one before the last one
    update    // to update every 10th row/item label
  immutable   // if `true`, will always create a new Array per each change,
              // and items will also be replaced when the label is modified
) {
  // this function will be invoked whenever an action/update happens
  // use the body of this function to render the benchmark table
  // or do anything else

// the state has all its utilities in here too

The state reference can be used to add actions within the update function, or outside it, keeping the update related to rows/items changes only.