
Quickly browse and scan directories in a tree like structure

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jsDirTree from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/js-dir-tree';



Using jstree in Terminal or Command Prompt will present you a tree like stucture of your current working directory.

JS-Tree is customizable and will work on a wide variety of platforms, providing an appealing alternative when on platforms with less rohbust terminal interfaces. :P


npm install js-dir-tree -g

command line usage

jstree <additional-path-information-if-needed>

  OPTIONS (only the abbreviated forms work atm)
  -c --COVERAGE = <int>
  -d --DEPTH = <int>
  -h --HELP = shows this help screen
  -rh --REMOVE_HIDDEN_FILES = <bool | (defaults to toggling if no equal expression provided)>
  -p --PROFILE = <string (profile name)>
  -plist --PROFILE_LIST -> shows profile list and currently active profile
  -w --WHITELIST = <string (file name)>
  -rw --REMOVE_WHITELIST = <string (file name)>