
jQuery plugin para cambiar el fondo de imágenes en tamaño entero y forma aleatoria.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jqueryRndmFull from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/jquery-rndm-full';


Jquery Photo Random

Query pugin photo Random


npm install --save jquery-rndm-full
You need to load jquery first
<script src="/mode_module/jquery/dist/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="/mode_module/jquery-rndm-full/src/index.js"></script>

Before using pluging, you need to register as develop then you must put the CLIENT_ID to be able to get photos from unisplash API.


How it work?

<div id="bg-random">
var options = {
minHeight: '700px', //by default is 800px
backgroundSize: 'contain', //by default is cover
backgroundPosition: 'top center', //by default is center
backgroundColor: 'red', //black
backgroundImage: 'path/img.jpg', //in the case that the end point responses with an error