jquery placeholderText
A placeholder attribute polyfill plugin for you jQuery users out there. This has been tested in modern browsers ( which is fake ) and more importantly IE8. What else would you need it for? This is a stupid plugin for those projects that require you to support trash browsers. This plugin is already on its way out the doors because we shouldn't need to do this anymore in the first place. But, for now...
(function ( $ ) {
$( "input, textarea" ).placeholderText();
})( jQuery )
<span class="placeholder-text">
<input type="text" class="placeholder-text__elem" placeholder="Who cares" />
<span class="placeholder-text__shim placeholder-text__shim--input">Who cares</span>
# Start the node server
node server/server.js
You should be able to go here localhost:5050
You can't clone placeholder text styles so you may need to tweak styling in css ( oh no :O ).