
Generates the release notes from git commits and Jira tickets.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jiraRelease from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/jira-release';


Jira Release

Generates the release notes from git commits and Jira tickets and, optionally, attach all issues to a release.

For example:

$ jira-release --range origin/prod...origin/master
Jira Tickets

  * <Bug> - Unable to access date widget
    [DEV-1234] https://yoursite.atlassian.net/browse/DEV-1234

  * <Story> - Support left-handed keyboards
    [DEV-5678] https://yoursite.atlassian.net/browse/DEV-5678

  * <Story> - Search by location
    [DEV-8901] https://yoursite.atlassian.net/browse/DEV-8901

Other Commits

  * <cd6f512> - Fix typo in welcome message

Pending Approval
 ~ None. Yay! ~

You can also have it automatically post to slack!

How it works

The script looks for Jira issue keys, surrounded by square brackets (i.e. [DEV-123]), in the git commit logs. When it finds one, it associates that Jira issue ticket with that commit and adds it to the changelog.


npm install -g jira-release


You'll need to configure Jira before you can use this effectively. Create a file called changelog.config.js and put it at the root of your workspace directory; where you'll call the jira-release command from.

Here's a simple example with sample Jira API values:

module.exports = {
  jira: {
    api: {
      host: "yoursite.atlassian.net",
      username: "jirauser",
      password: "s00persecurePa55w0rdBr0"

To see all values suported, look at the changelog.config.js file at the root of this repo.


jira-release --range origin/prod...origin/master

Assuming you deploy from the prod branch, this will generate a changelog with all commits after the last production deploy to the current master version.

If you define sourceControl.defaultRange in your config, you can run the command with the --range flag:



You can automatically attach Jira issues to a release with the --release flag. For example, let's say we want to add all issues in the changelog to the "sprint-12" release:

jira-release --range origin/prod...origin/master --release sprint-12

This will set the fixVersions of all issues to "sprint-12" in Jira.


You can also have the script automatically post to slack.

First, get an API token from Slack for your workspace: https://api.slack.com/tokens

Then add slack to your configuration file:

module.exports = {
  slack: {
    apiKey: 'asdlfkjasdoifuoiucvlkxjcvoixucvi',
    channel: '#changelogs'
  jira: {
    api: {
      host: "myapp.atlassian.net",
      username: "jirauser",
      password: "s00persecurePa55w0rdBr0"
  • Add your API token to slack.apiKey.
  • slack.channel is the channel you want the script to send the changelog to.

Then simply add the --slack flag to the command:

jira-release --range origin/prod...origin/master --slack


The code used to generate the changelogs can also be used as modules in your JavaScript. See the module source for documentation.

For example:

npm install -S jira-release
const Config = require('jira-release').Config;
const SourceControl = require('jira-release').SourceControl;
const Jira = require('jira-release').Jira;

const gitRepoPath = '/home/user/source/'

// Get configuration
const config = Config.getConfigForPath(gitRepoPath);

// Get commits for a range
const source = new SourceControl(config);
const range = {
  from: "origin/prod",
  to: "origin/master"
source.getCommitLogs(gitRepoPath, range).then((commitLogs) => {

  // Associate git commits with jira tickets and output changelog object
  const jira = new Jira(config);
  jira.generate(commitLogs).then((changelog) => {
