
Convert JTML syntax to an HTMLElement object. JTML syntax is a structure similar to HTML but saved in the form of a JSON object.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jhec from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/jhec';


JSON HTMLElement Creator

The module is used to convert JTML syntax to an HTMLElement object. JTML syntax is a structure similar to HTML but saved in the form of a JSON object.


From npmjs.com (recommended) - choose one of the options:

  • npm install jhec
  • yarn add jhec

From Adrosar/jhec - downloads the entire contents of the repository:

npm install bitbucket:Adrosar/jhec

How to use

import { JEC, JTML } from 'jhec';

const jtml: JTML = ['div', { handle: 'root', class: ['foo', 'foo-root', 'active'] }, [
    ['div', { class: ['foo', 'foo-label'] }, [
        ['span', { handle: 'label', class: ['foo', 'foo-label-text'], text: "Foo" }]
    ['div', { handle: 'btnOK', text: "[OK]", attrs: [['data-id', 'OK-123']], style: { color: 'red' } }]

const jec:JEC = new JEC(jtml);

console.log(jec.input);// input === jtml
console.log(jec.element);// HTMLElemen
console.log(jec.output);// Object:

/* jec.output (types):
    btnOK: HTMLDivElement,
    label: HTMLSpanElement,
    root: HTMLDivElement,


Running the tests:

For Node.js:

npm run test:node

For browser:

  1. Run in terminal npm run test:browser
  2. Run in terminal npm run server
  3. Open link
  4. Open DevTools Console (F12 in Google Chrome - Windows)
  5. Use F5 to refresh the page
  6. If there is no exception, then the test passed successfully


I use the versioning system SemVer (2.0.0)


  • Adrian Gargula


This project is licensed under the ISC License - see the wiki/ISC_license


This project is based on Adrosar/ts-startek-kit (version 1.5.0)