Jest OS detection
This module allows you to specify on which OS your tests should run. A common use case would be to have a CI running on different OS (say mac and windows) but you want to have all your tests in the same file. Unfortunately, some of your tests should only run on a specific platform due to OS specific features.
All tests that should not be run on the current platform will be automatically skipped.
# with npm
npm install jest-os-detection
# with yarn
yarn add jest-os-detection
In your package.json
"jest": {
"setupFilesAfterEnv": ["jest-os-detection"],
describe.onWindows('this describe is only interpreted on Windows', () => {
it.onMac('this test is only interpreted on Mac', () => {})
test.onLinux('this test is only interpreted on Linux', () => {})
it.onMac.skip('this test is only interpreted on Mac but skipped', () => {})
test.onLinux.skip('this test is only interpreted on Linux but skipped', () => {})
it.onMac.only('only this test is executed on Mac', () => {})
test.onLinux.only('only this test is executed on Linux', () => {})
describe.onWindows.each([1, 2, 3])('several describe on windows', describeValue => {
it.onMac.each([1, 2, 3, 4])('several tests on windows', testValue => {})
test.onLinux.each([1, 2, 3, 4])('several tests on windows', testValue => {})
it.onMac.each.skip([1, 2, 3, 4])('several tests skipped on windows', testValue => {})
test.onLinux.each.skip([1, 2, 3, 4])('several tests skipped on windows', testValue => {})
it.onMac.each.only([1, 2, 3, 4])('only these tests will be executed on windows', testValue => {})
test.onLinux.each.only([1, 2, 3, 4])('only these tests will be executed on windows', testValue => {})
Supported features
Supported commands:
Supported platform:
Supported sub-commands:
To avoid type errors globally, you can add this to your tsconfig:
"files": [