Extend Jest to be able to compare objects/arrays having numeric values to a specified number of decimal places. By default, the values are compared to 10 decimal places. Nested objects/arrays are not supported.
$ npm install --save-dev jest-match-object-close-to
$ yarn add --dev jest-match-object-close-to
import { toMatchObjectCloseTo } from 'jest-match-object-close-to';
expect.extend({ toMatchObjectCloseTo });
describe('sample tests', () => {
it('should match object with default 10 decimal places precision', () => {
expect({ foo: 0 }).toMatchObjectCloseTo({ foo: 0.00000000001 });
it('should match object with defined precision', () => {
expect([{ foo: 2.0000002 }).toMatchObjectCloseTo({ foo: 2 }, 5);
it('should match array with defined precision', () => {
expect([12.00001, 10.001]).toMatchObjectCloseTo([12.000009, 10.001002], 5);