
Button Component

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jebtestReactButton from '';


Learna Start Example

Small example package. Nothing ground breaking here but gives you an idea of a simple package. This README is also what will get published with package.

The package has it's own package.json that defines the package and it's dependencies. In this case their is a dependency on React & Styled Components and the package name is lerna-starter-example.

Taking a look at the rest of the files:


This writes the story for the base Storybook. This is where you can test and try out your package. Storybook can be fired up from the root project.


This just defines a simple them for the purpose of testing the <ThemeProvider> out on the styled button.

Then on to the actual package files found inside the src directory:


Defines a styled button using styled components. It is not strictly needed in it's own file but for more complex components it will keep things cleaner.


Where we export our component. In this case it is also defined here as it is a simple button.


All tests for this component. Tests are run from the parent project.